Programação, temporada 2023

Pedagogical Project

Educational Board: Articulating activities to create opportunities

The Educational Board was developed after the opening of the Fundação Theatro Municipal de São Paulo (São Paulo’s Municipal Theatre Foundation). It wishes to articulate artistic-pedagogic and administrative activities of the groups from the São Paulo Municipal School of Music, the São Paulo School of Dance and the Experimental Orchestra of Repertoire, as well as to promote the dialogue between these institutions.

The Educational Board works constantly to establish an exchange between the schools, groups and students associated to it and the professional artistic activities at the Theatro Municipal. Moreover, there’s an integration with other educational and cultural institutions, as these outside groups are invited over for performances, productions, rehearsals and masterclasses.

The Staff

Educational Board

Diretoria Fundação Theatro Municipal

Hugo Possolo – Diretor Geral
Letícia Schwarz – Diretora de Gestão
Gisa Gabriel – Produtora Executiva
Ruby Angelica Graciela Vásquez Núñez – Diretora Artística
Radamés Marques – Assessoria da Direção
Vinicius Brito – Assessoria – Comunicação

Equipe Técnica da Escola de Dança

Cristiana de Souza – Coordenadora da Escola de Dança
Fellipe Camarotto – Assistente Artístico
Luciana Rizzo – Auxiliar Artística

Equipe Técnica da Escola de Música

Erica Hindrikson – Coordenadora da Escola de Música
Ricardo Farão – Assistente Artístico
Nathan Vianna – Auxiliar Artístico